Cooperation partners wanted
The finalization of the online training course "Active media education for young people with intellectual disabilities" for educational professionals is in its last stages. In September and October the free, six-week online training is to be piloted. The project consortium is now looking for interested social institutions in Greece, Belgium and Germany.
The participation in the online training course includes a minimum weekly effort of 2 hours as well as the collaborative development of action strategies using the method of "co-design", in which strategies for dealing with digital media are developed for organizations, educational professionals and the young people themselves. To this end, the project consortium would like to cooperate with social institutions that are interested in addressing digital media and its opportunities as well as risks in their daily work with young people with mild intellectual disabilities.
The online training is scheduled to start in September 2020 and is intended to stimulate discussion on digital topics and the special needs of young people with mild intellectual disabilities in a protected online learning platform.
Goals of the online training are:
- Acquisition of background knowledge on digitization
- References to and strategies for dealing with risks in the digital world
- Self-confidence for professionals through the use of digital applications in their daily work
To cooperate with the project consortium in the AMEDY project, the following criteria must be met:
- The organization/institution has started to address digital opportunities and risks for adolescents and young adults with intellectual disabilities or would like to put this topic on the agenda.
- The organization/institution employs full-time and/or voluntary educational staff working with adolescents and young adults between 13 and 29 years of age with cognitive disabilities.
- The management level supports the discussion of the topic (e.g. participation in the (virtual) kick-off meeting for the online training, introduction of the management perspective in the development of the strategy paper).
- At least 10 pedagogical professionals (full-time or voluntary) can participate in the pilot phase of the online training in September and October 2020.
- Full-time pedagogical staff is enabled to spend at least 2 hours of their working time per week on online training. For this purpose, the employer provides digital access (PC or laptop with an Internet connection) if required.
- The organization/institution (management level and pedagogical staff, possibly also the young people themselves) is prepared to engage in the development of a strategy paper in an online workshop. Methods of "Design Thinking" are used for this purpose.
- All actors are prepared to evaluate what they have experienced and learned with the help of questionnaires.
If your organization or institution meets the criteria, we look forward to hearing from you. For all those who cannot meet the criteria, there is no reason for disappointment, because at the end of the year both the online training and the action strategies will be published and can be used and adapted free of charge.